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Wheeeeere’s the Bepp?

Wednesday, May 5th, 2010 by

Tonight we went for a stroll around downtown, to witness the inception of so many Hangovers de Mayo. As we ambled down Merrimack St. I was suddenly struck with a terrible sense of foreboding. Something was amiss- I could just feel it. I glanced across the street for a comforting landmark and…


The end of an error- R.I.P. Beppers

Oh, snap! And to think, just the other day I was reading about the would-be gentrification of the local web. What if that idea went one step further and the local web actually gentrified the city? Could what has happened here be a direct result of Chris blogging about sub-par produce?

In reality, judging from the new lettering in the window, it looks like the shop just changed ownership and some new signage is in order. But, maybe I’ll let Chris sweat this one out a little.

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