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Snow Madness

January 17th, 2011 by

New downtown Haverhill resident and recent discoverer of this blog Matt Hunt wanted us to know that Becca wasn’t the only person traipsing around in the snow during the last storm. He sent in a few more great shots of downtown…just when you finally started to feel your toes again.

Digging out cars downtown

Looking at this photo, I realized I’d never noticed how beautifully detailed the Mizan salon building’s architecture is. Holy cow! I wonder who lives on those upper floors…

Look at the detail on this building!

And finally, this one looks like a glimpse into our future, so get ready to flex your shoveling and scraping muscles again as a mix of snow and ice is heading right for us tomorrow evening.

Um, is it springtime yet? This shizz is nasty.

There’s a few more nice shots in Matt’s Facebook album. Thanks, Matt. And welcome to Haverhill!

Greetings From Snowmaggedon

January 12th, 2011 by

Dang! That turned out to be a bona fide as-promised blizzard today. And just like the last storm, I found myself nestled in a cocoon of blankets rather than running around in the snow like a good little blogger.

So, who better to take us on a tour of downtown Haverhill during a break in today’s storm than friend of the Feeve, Becca Fowler? She willingly braved the elements to show us the Shoe City’s snowpocalyptic aftermath.

Not only brave, but ever-so-stylish.

I have to say, if you’re considering moving into one of Haverhill’s many hip new renovated loft buildings, days like this kind of seal the deal. Slap on some snowshoes, stomp around town, and let those condo fees finally pay you back in the form of someone else doing all the snow removal. (Meanwhile, over in Bradford, we can expect our day/evening/night to look like this.)

The city of Haverhill, clearing the way.

Becca made her way down Locust St. heading towards Washington to do a quick survey of what businesses were open. (Answer: not many…but Hans Garden owner Tony drove all the way from Chinatown to serve his customers!)

During her adventure in the snow, she encountered one of Haverhill’s snow residents enjoying the weather…

I don't appreciate this snowman's smugness.

As well as some other downtown residents taking it to the streets all bundled up.

A couple more hearty New Englanders out in the snow.

Down by the river, Becca noted the city did a great job of clearing the parking lot and the river walk…

Really pretty view of the train bridge.

But nobody thought to shovel out the alleyway adjacent to the Tap.


By late afternoon the wind whipped up and the snow started blowing around again, and it was time to retreat back to the loft.

Essex St.

But not before having a little shoe-la-bration of one alongside the Soles of Haverhill shoe currently hanging out in Columbus Park, no doubt placed there to make us forget that this was the recent scene of a gruesome Gingerbreadicide. Nice try, Haverhill! I’m onto you!

Who doesn't love a good photo with a giant shoe?

Well, that concludes our tour today. Thanks for taking us around downtown, Becca. You really have Bob a run for his money today!

Snowpocalypse 2010 comes to Haverhill

December 28th, 2010 by

There’s nothing like stepping outside after a heavy snow and experiencing the wintry quiet of car-less streets, bare trees creaking in the wind.

My plan yesterday was to head out and get some shots of Haverhill post-blizzard. Instead, I set one foot onto my porch, felt a frigid gust billow up my coat through the floor boards, thought “oh, HELL, no!” and promptly retreated back inside. Apparently, I am not quite the hearty New Englander I always believed I was.

Good thing Diane Beckwith-Zink is a braver soul than I (not to mention a much better photographer). She trekked all over Haverhill and Bradford, documenting the snowy aftermath of this winter’s first major storm. Diane was kind enough to let me share a few of her snaps, including this one of a frozen Merrimack:

Merrimack River

Now, check out how amazingly monochrome Bradford Common looks in this photo! I mean, it almost makes me glad I didn’t venture out during the storm itself. How would I have been able to find my my house in the snow among all the other white buildings?

Bradford Common

And here’s a great shot of the Whittier 1882 Building on the corner of Washington and Essex- one of the prettiest buildings downtown, and a favorite of mine. Although, someone’s got to do something about that tattered awning! It’s been deteriorating at a pretty rapid clip lately and has definitely reached eyesore status.

Downtown Haverhill

If you like these photos, there are a ton more to check out on Diane’s Flickr stream, including some really cool downtown panoramas. I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling a bit inspired to not be such a winter wuss next time and get out there!

And now, Bob with the weather…

December 26th, 2010 by

Downtown Haverhill at about 5:30pm

Unofficial Haverhill Fever meteorologist Bob Simonds tweets:

Watching the blizzard, & getting ready to go snowshoeing later tonight.

If you don’t have anywhere to be right now, it might be a good night for starting a fire, cracking open that bottle of wine leftover from the holidays, and getting nice and cozy. (Why didn’t I think of asking for a pair of snow shoes this Christmas?)

Or, if you don’t have a fireplace, snow shoes, or a budding drinking problem, you could be a good do-bee and take a look in your closets and drawers for items you haven’t used at all in 2010. The Big Brother Big Sister Foundation passes through Haverhill every other month collecting resaleable clothing or household items right from your doorstep. If you just got a new winter coat, why not warm someone up with your old one?

And now, Bob with the weather…

June 5th, 2010 by

This just in via Twitter from Bob Simonds:

Dark skys SE of #Haverhill

So, if you’re thinking of hitting the deck at the Tap, or pre-gaming for next week’s epic Haverhill bar crawl, you might want to consider bringing an umbrella.

See that beautiful sunset? Blame Canada!

June 2nd, 2010 by

The second I woke up on Memorial Day and caught a whiff of wood smoke, I was sure I’d slept straight through til BBQ time. But, that smoldering scent that greeted us all was courtesy of our neighbors from the true north strong and free, as cool winds blowing down from northern Quebec carried the smoke of the multiple forest fires blazing up there. And regrettably, hot dogs are not really breakfast food.

One positive outcome of all this air pollution is the beautiful smoky sunset, captured in this series of photographs by our new friend Emil, egkg1 on Flickr:




I asked Emil how he managed to get such gorgeous shots, and he said:

I was pretty sure it was going to be a colorful sunset, so my wife and I set off to look for a good place, high up, that faces west. We tried the top of the hill on Washington St., but couldn’t find a clear shot. We settled on the Target parking lot, behind Regan Ford. Not too shabby…Know of any good spots with some altitude and a clear view?

I’ll let all you Haverhillians weigh in- where’s the best scenic vista in town? Personally, the Target parking lot is my go-to place for leaf peeping. Do you have a favorite spot for taking in the view?