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BREAKING NEWS: Tupac is alive!!!

April 14th, 2010 by

Holy cow, you guys! I was just surfing Craigslist and I saw this:

Tupac is alive and living in Haverhill. And, good for him, he finally upgraded his cellphone.

Just a Cosmic Girl from the Shoe City Galaxy

April 12th, 2010 by

The Feeve’s own Cosmic Amanda was featured last night on the Shoe City Stories’ Haverhill-themed podcast.  Marc and Amanda Chit-Chat about the grittiness of downtown, the uselessness of Newburyport-envy, Jennie’s Inc., and the definition of hipster.

The ‘Blog Goddess’ also mentioned another ‘contributor’ to this blog but failed to mention a name.

It’s me! Chris!

And this is my first post.

Listen to the podcast!

Street Art, She Wrote

March 31st, 2010 by

While you were busy pumping out your basement this week, this Bradford resident was doing a bit of super sleuthing…

There’s been a mystery baffling me since late fall. You see, one night back in November, I was driving home after an especially soul-crushing day spent languishing in my cubicle, when I rounded a corner on 125 and came face to face with this:

“Whaaaaat!?” I thought. Then I had to pull over to the side of the road I was laughing so hard. This is nearly Banksy-level shizz! Right here in Bradford! Amazing!

This moment was the very first to give me hope for the coolness of my city.

Ever since that fateful night, I’ve been keeping an eye out similar acts of awesomeness, all the while dying to know who the responsible party might be.

So, while it’s been pouring buckets these past few days I’ve been on a mission to uncover the truth…and I finally cracked the case!

While I can’t explain my investigative methods, for fear of spoiling the anonymity of the street artists behind the billboard hack, I did get the scoop on their motivation.

Says one of the artists:

“We’re into finding places to explore and leaving our mark in subtle ways that are more for humor than anything else. Obviously in this case it was just taking a jab at a bad comedian haha.

For instance, if we see a face that we find funny on a billboard or wherever, we’ll oftentimes dash out to the billboard in the dead of night, cut out the face using a box cutter, and then, using wallpaper glue, paste the face somewhere obscure and random, where if someone sees it, it’ll make their day. We don’t like these things to be too obvious, because we want it to stay up for at least a little while, so we tend to put them in areas people don’t tend to look in (but it’s usually something ballsy like the inside of an overpass on the highway or side of a bridge.)

So, if you have ever passed a billboard with it’s face cut-out (like that one in Bradford that they put up three times)… That’s us. Just a bunch of dudes having fun and trying to make people laugh or go ‘what??’ without spray painting or doing any permanent damage to anything. It’s all pretty ephemeral stuff, but I guess it’s sorta like building a sandcastle in that it’s fun to do anyway.”

So, there you have it. Case closed!

And, I really shouldn’t brag about my sweet detective skills, so I’ll defer to our mystery artist once again:

“By the way, really good detective work on your part. Bravo.”

Haverhillebrities: Tom Bergeron!

March 24th, 2010 by

A city is only as cool as the celebrities it spawns, right? Well then, Haverhill is officially a big bag of awesome, because we can lay claim to America’s second funniest host of America’s Funniest Home Videos: Tom Bergeron!

Born and raised in Haverhill, Tom made his mark on the city at 17 as the youngest deejay ever to hit the airwaves at WHAV.  “Hey, I started doing radio when I was 17” I thought, and instantly felt totally cool! Of course, then I remembered that while Tom would go on to host Granite State Challenge, People Are Talking, Good Morning America, Hollywood Squares, Dancing with the Stars, etc etc, I went on to be sitting here waxing poetic in some dumb blog about how cool Tom Bergeron is.


The opening paragraph on Tom’s Wikipedia page lists the top 3 most important things to know about him, and they are:

  • He has hosted a ton of shows.
  • He won a Daytime Emmy he’s so good!
  • Dude was born in Haverhill.

‘Nuff said.

Um,  somebody hand me the duct tape, because Tom Bergeron is RIPPED!