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It’s T-Shirt Tiiiiiiiime at Mal’s Lounge

Thursday, February 10th, 2011 by

Thursday nights at Mal’s Lounge have had their ups and downs. Their former karaoke night was pretty cool but never really caught on and their Thursday night dance parties  struck me as, well,  “meh.” Until now, that is.

Yes. Oh, yes. (I'll even excuse the misplaced apostrophe.)

According to their Facebook page, Mal’s is now screening the latest episodes of Jersey Shore on their giant screen every Thursday night from 10:00 – 11:00pm. Afterward, they turn it all over to KISS108 Weekend Blowout deejay, Jay Michaels. Brilliant! What better way to kick off the weekend than fist pumping the night away?

I get a lot of flak for my love of Jersey Shore, but c’mon- it is so good! I mean, check out this mid-season trailer. Shizz’s about to get serriussss:

Mal’s really going all out with this Jersey Shore themed night, too. They offer Snickerdoodle Snookie and Citron Situation shots (both sounds like they’d get you ham-hocked faster than you can say “cabs are here!”)  so that after you’re done watching the episode you can reenact your favorite sloppy club scene.

Has anyone checked this night out yet? Any good? Personally, I’m psyched about this new development. In fact, I’m hosing myself down with self tanner as we speak.


3 Responses to “It’s T-Shirt Tiiiiiiiime at Mal’s Lounge”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jeremy E. and haverhillevents, Haverhill Fever. Haverhill Fever said: DTF? Head over to Mal's Lounge tonight: http://haverhillfever.com/jersey-shore-thursdays-haverhill-ma/ (NO GRENADES) […]

  2. Kaitlin says:

    LOVE the review! After you GTL all day come on down to Mal’s tonight for $2 “Mike CITRON Situation” shots!! <3 MAL's

  3. tom says:

    mals lounge sucks. such a scumy place with scummy managers and shitty DJs that sound horrible i would never ever go there again.